Angelique de Rijk (PhD) is full professor in Work and Health, specialising in re-integration into work, at the Department of Social Medicine at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. She holds a master in Work and Organisational Psychology and received her PhD in Health Psychology in 1999. Since then, she has focussed her research and education on psychological and sociological approaches to work disability and re-integration into work. In her current research she focuses on the relationship between labour participation and health, in the light of 1) prevention of work-related mental health disorders; 2) curative health care interventions on work-related support; 3) how employers support stay-at-work and re-integration into work and 4) (inter)national policy comparisons. The focus is on persons with chronic health conditions, with cardiac conditions and cancer in particular and on common mental health conditions, with burnout in particular. She uses both quantitative and qualitative methods; methods are chosen to fit with the topic, theory and aim of the research. Regarding research, Angelique de Rijk has contributed to more than 150 publications in international and national journals, books and reports. Currently, she supervises seven PhD-students. She has been chair of the revision of the Dutch guideline on Cardiac Rehabilitation in 2008-2011 and is currently chair of the Dutch guideline on Cancer and work. She has supervised diverse research projects on sickness absence, labour participation of chronically ill, and interventions for return to work. She currently supervises projects on sustainable employability and lifestyle for low-educated employees, hospital-based work-related care, return-to-work in employees with mental health disorders, and how to support employers of small and medium enterprises to manage return-to-work of their employees. She was member of the EU Costnetwork CANWON, the CANcer and WOrk Network, and co-ordinated its European study on employer perspectives on cancer in the workplace (2013-2017). She was rapporteur of the working group on Cancer and Employment for the European Cancer Meeting of the French National Cancer Institute. Since 2018, she has been board member of the living lab on Work & Health with Social Insurance South East Netherlands, an initiative to promote exchange of research and practical knowledge in Social Insurance Medicine. Angelique de Rijk has extensive experience with (professional) training and education, within bachelor, master and post-graduate programmes and to professionals outside university.
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