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Alain Paraponaris

Alain Paraponaris is full professor of economics and vice dean at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Aix-Marseille University and researcher at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics. His research explores health economics issues and especially the temporary and/or permanent effects of health shocks, including cancer, on the socioeconomic status, the professional career and various labor market outcomes. He contributed to the VICAN2 and VICAN5 surveys carried out by INCa, with a particular attention paid to how the occurrence of cancer may exacerbate usual inequalities regarding unemployment, job tenure, earnings or the ability to sick leave, depending on gender, age, type of job (salaried or self-employed, worker, employee or executive) and controlling for the cancer location.

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Adela Popa

Adela Popa is Associate Professor of Medical Sociology in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania. Her broad research interests are related to the impact of chronic illnesses, including cancer, on work and professional career, the healthcare reform and health policy. The research on cancer and work is young in Romania as up to 2017 no studies on this topic were done. Following her membership in the COST network Cancer and Work, Adela Popa became aware of the lack of psycho-social studies in this area, although workers, employers and other stakeholders faced significant difficulties regarding work reintegration. In 2015 she received funding in a national competition for doing the first Romanian study on return to work after cancer, which provided not only interesting findings but also a new perspective in the field since Romania, similar with other Central and Eastern European countries, has a particular profile regarding sickness absence policies, work rehabilitation and professional reintegration after chronic illness. Between 2019-2021 she coordinated the Romanian team in an international project delivered by a consortium of six countries which focused on the role of various stakeholders including trade unions in return to work after chronic illness. Currently (2021-2023), she conducts a third national funded study on how workers, employers, health professionals and nongovernment organisations in Romania perceive the situation of working with chronic illnesses and are involved in the process.

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Bertrand Porro

Bertrand Porro is a researcher in Psycho-Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine of Angers. He works in the INSERM team Epidemiology in Occupational Health and Ergonomics of the Institute for Research in Environmental and Occupational Health (Irset) and in the REWORK team of the SIRIC ILIAD. His fields of scientific expertise are return to work after cancer, psycho-oncology, psychometrics and occupational health.

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Steffen Torp

Steffen Torp, PhD, Professor in health promotion, Department of Health, Social and Welfare Studies, University of South-Eastern Norway. Torp has for many years conducted research within the realm of work and health with focus on the impact working environment has on musculoskeletal disorder, mental health, and work engagement. In addition, his research has focused on prognostic factors for work retention and return-to-work after cancer treatment. Lately, he has had a particular focus on long-term consequences of cancer, and on the situation of self-employed cancer survivors.

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